Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lexi's Roll

Thanks Aunt Julia for the tips on posting videos. Here is our first try!

YouTube Video

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blizzard Sunday

The big news since our last post is that Lexi can roll from her front to her back on her own. We have a video but can't figure out how to post (any tips Steve and Julia?).

We spent the weekend in Winter Park with Aunt Liz and Uncle John. Big thanks to Aunt Liz for lodge sitting with the babies so we could ski with Uncle John.

It's snowing in Denver today-8" and counting! We are planning beef stew, cookies and maybe hot toddies.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Photo Potpourri

Girlfriends (Maeve is 3, Lex is 10 weeks, Dolly is ?) 
Man I look good.

Willy T is getting big (our friend Bryan thinks so too).

Look at my striped leggings brother!

Sunday Funday

Our first ride in the Bob (thanks Lele and Grandpa Tom) with wonderful blankets (Thanks Aunt Liz) and warm fuzzies to lay on (thanks Grandpa Bill and Grandma Dev)..it takes a lot to Bob.
Lunch date with Lele.

First trip to Park Meadows Mall--we really like the sky lights and people to watch.

Twin play time!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday Uncle Steve!
How we "hang out" with Grandma Dev and Grandpa Bill.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Keep on growing

William and Lexi has a doctor visit this week and William weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces and Lexi is 9 pounds 4 ounces. Both babies have more than double their birth weight! Grandpa Tom and Lele babysat for us yesterday evening so we could do a fun dinner out. I think everybody had a good time (thanks)! The twins also made an appearance at Grandpa Tom's Birthday brunch (Tom is only 322x as old as the Twins).

Monday, February 4, 2013

2 Months!

Bundled up for outing to ski lodge.

William and Alexis are now 2 months old!  At their check up last week, William weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz and Lexi weighed 8 lbs. 15.5 oz (we're calling it 9 lbs!).  Their doctor is pleased with their growth.  Both babies received their first set of shots, which is great for their immunity and our ability to take them out and about--boy, did we take advantage!

We ventured to the Kelly family condo for the first time this ski season and William and Alexis did great!  Our friends John and Harmony were in the mountains at their family condo and spent some quality time with the Kelly Clan at the condo and the ski lodge so Chase and I could take a run together!  For the rest of the day, Chase and I took turns skiing and lodge sitting.

We came down from the mountains to visit Lele and Grandpa Tom and William and Alexis were spoiled with cuddles and new Valentine's Day outfits--see pics below.  Thanks Lele and Grandpa Tom!!

Then, it was time to head to our friends Robby and Rachel's house to watch the super bowl and show off the new outfits.  Will and Lexi continue to be more alert and enjoy toys and observing their surroundings.  Ceiling fans, the ceiling beams at the condo, and all the new faces their are seeing have been especially popular so far.

Will's Valentine's Day outfit from Lele and Grandpa Tom.

Lexi's Valentine's Day outfit from Lele and Grandpa Tom.
Double stroller at Mary Jane base on a terrific ski day!

John and Will hanging at the lodge.

Superbowl Party in Robby and Rachel's newly finished basement!

Twin Hang time at the condo.

Happy skiers doing a run together thanks to John and Harmony.

Will and the guys watching the Super Bowl.

Happy skier on a beautiful day!