Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Learning Some Tricks!

First time using the carriers.
Will and Lexi hit their 7 week birthday yesterday and we celebrated with a long walk in our neighborhood with Denver showing off beautiful weather.  Their Dad is working nights at the hospital right now, so he joined us for the afternoon walk.  They are both more alert and awake now and are enjoying more toys!
Will ready to eat.

Carseat toys and mobile sound machines added!  Will and Lexi will each reach out to grab the toys and the sound machine quiets any fusses like magic (thanks Shannon!).  This is how we walk when Dad is sleeping after a night shift.

Holter is learning to walk in place beside the stroller.

Talking to Will while holding Lexi.

Baby shades are still a little big--we need to devise a trick to hold them in place to block the CO sunshine until they grow into them!


  1. These are fabulous pbotos and a great diary of the typical day!

  2. The glasses r "totally tripindicular"! ...maybe some " baby croakies"(as if u didn't have enough to do)
