Sunday, December 30, 2012

Night on the town

Great outfits from Lele and Grandpa Tom
Grandpa Tom and Lele were kind enough to watch Alexis and William last night so Bill, Dev, Ricki, and myself (Chase) could go to a fun dinner in Cherry Creek. It was a nice gesture and a welcome break from baby duty, but we were all excited to come back and see them! 

We all watched the Broncos win today and I am pleased to report that the Broncos are undefeated with William and Alexis rooting for them (4-0 if you're counting).

We have had a few visitors over the past few days. Our friends the McKae's came over for dinner with their two children, Quentin and Maeve. And the Young's came over yesterday to meet the twins for the first time. 

Unfortunately Bill is driving back to Montana tomorrow (and taking Trouper). He has been a huge help with William and Alexis and we will miss having him here.

Now pictures:
Maeve with William

Q with W

Robby and Rachel (Robby is real good at holding babies)

Hanging out with Holter

Thanks Bill!

Friday, December 28, 2012

All Hands!

We have now been home from the NICU almost two weeks (tomorrow marks the official date) and are learning the skill of caring for two infants.  Most of our first week, Chase and I got into a bit of a routine on our own.  That involved feeding one baby and then the next one back-to-back.  With the benefit of helpers, we are now engaging two people to feed two babies whenever possible (see pic above with Grandma Dev), which takes half the time!  Does anyone know at what age a child can hold a bottle themselves?  We're thinking this will be a big milestone for our family, but in the meantime we are enjoying all the cuddles with William and Alexis as newborns.  We also have two dogs desiring attention (our dog, Holter, and Mom and Dad's dog, Trouper).

Chase reading William and Lexi a story before bed.
Lexi and William

Multitasking continues!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Christmas marks William and Lexi's three week birthday.  We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas celebration with all four of the twins' grandparents and their great uncle Mike.  William and Lexi were unable to open their presents, but Chase and I were happy to serve as their proxies.  We all feel quite fortunate to have the babies home for the holiday and really enjoyed the day!

Merry Christmas!

William holding William, Trouper, and Chase holding Lexi.

Lexi checking out her presents.

William and his presents.

Lexi in her adorable outfit from Grandpa Tom and Lele.

Happy Family!

Happy Family with Grandparents.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bronco's Win

Today we had a big outing with the twins. We went all the way over to Grandpa Tom and Lele's for the Bronco's game (they won). It was the longest trip they have took in their 19 days. They did great and both ate well this afternoon. Grandpa Tom and Lele even had some presents under their Christmas tree for William and Alexis.
William learning to hold his pacifier

Holter is trying to help feed the babies

Tired after eating

Separated at birth?

Just hanging out

Great set up at Grandpa Tom and Lele's



Saturday, December 22, 2012

Let the Festivities Begin!

Grandpa Bill and Grandma Dev are here!

Grandpa Bill feeding William

Grandma Dev feeding William
Lele feeding William with Lexi on deck for food
 Everyone was kind enough to visit us this morning for a birthday brunch celebration for me.  It was great to see everyone and wonderful to have a terrific meal prepared and delivered by Grandpa Tom and Lele.  We put everyone to work feeding William and Lexi--great fun!
Aunt Liz and William

Uncle John and William

Uncle John feeding William

Our friends, John and Harmony, delivered William and Lexi a Deluxe baby gift!

John and William

Lexi testing out the wagon

I had to check out the wagon also

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Where did William get all his hair?  Here's a possibility; this is Chase's baby picture when he was 6 hours old.

 Our update for the day is that William and Alexis visited the pediatrician again and now William weighs 5 lbs 15 oz (one oz shy of 6 lbs!) and Alexis is now 5 lbs 2 oz.  Great news!  Also, Grandpa Bill and Grandma Dev are now en route from Montana for the Holidays.  We are all looking forward to seeing them and introducing them to the babies.  Merry Christmas everyone!
William before breakfast.
Lexi's already an empowered woman!
Holter thinks we got the boppy for her.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Two weeks already

Our twins are already celebrating their two week birthday today! And tomorrow is their Mother's birthday! They have been doing well and are continuing to eat more and more. We had friends visit over the past few days and we are getting ready for more family to come into town this weekend for the holidays. Bill and Dev were able to see their grandchildren today through face time, and I understand that William put on quite a show.

Megan and Coleman came to visit.

William engrossed in the plot of Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Alexis with her eyes open

Alexis is just as interested in the book

Monday, December 17, 2012

Settling In

Lexi and William all dressed up for their first pediatrician appointment this morning.

Alexis and William visited their pediatrician, Dr. Rich, today.  Lexi now weighs 4 lbs. 14.5 oz (birth weight 4 lbs. 9 oz) and William weighs 5 lbs. 9.5 oz. (birth weight 5 lbs. 4 oz).  Everyone is pleased with the weight gain and we will be back on Thursday to check in on their progress.  Tomorrow they are two weeks old!

We are settling into our routine at home where the babies eat every 4 hours (that's 8:00 am, 12:00, 4:00 pm etc).  Chase was on call our first night home from the hospital, so it was just me and the babes.  We did great, but were happy to have Dad home last night for many reasons, but also so he could do one of the overnight feedings!

Here are some pictures from the last couple of days:

William's in the Christmas spirit.

Two bundles of joy!

William's close-up.

Dad feeding Lexi.