Friday, December 28, 2012

All Hands!

We have now been home from the NICU almost two weeks (tomorrow marks the official date) and are learning the skill of caring for two infants.  Most of our first week, Chase and I got into a bit of a routine on our own.  That involved feeding one baby and then the next one back-to-back.  With the benefit of helpers, we are now engaging two people to feed two babies whenever possible (see pic above with Grandma Dev), which takes half the time!  Does anyone know at what age a child can hold a bottle themselves?  We're thinking this will be a big milestone for our family, but in the meantime we are enjoying all the cuddles with William and Alexis as newborns.  We also have two dogs desiring attention (our dog, Holter, and Mom and Dad's dog, Trouper).

Chase reading William and Lexi a story before bed.
Lexi and William

Multitasking continues!

1 comment:

  1. Stanley was holding his own bottle around 5-6 months, so I think you have a ways to go. Our bottles were light plastic, but Peter (Stanley's nanny-share buddy) had trouble with his heavy glass bottles. Looks busy!
